Organizational Development & Program Evaluation
delivered strategic
planning technical assistance to and facilitated the Board of
Directors and staff strategic planning meeting for the national
Healthy Schools Network. Services included analysis, survey
development, interviews, preparation of strategic planning and
assessment documents and consensus process to prioritize activities
concerning membership development, programs and evaluation, a
five-year plan and coalition building.
GERI assessed the Northeast
Environmental Justice Network (NEJN), a regional membership
organization encompassing twelve states. As an ingredient of NEJN
strategic planning, GERI prepared an evaluation on the growth and
development of the organization, its membership and staffing
(including communities and Tribal organizations), administration,
communications, collaborative approaches to public policy
development, base-building, fundraising and capacity building needs.
assessed the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice
(DSCEJ), a university-community partnership that works in the Deep
South states and South Africa. As an ingredient of DSCEJ strategic
planning, GERI evaluated the
ten-year growth and development of the organization, programs,
membership and staffing, administration, communications,
collaborative approaches to public policy development, base
building, fundraising and capacity building needs.
evaluated the Environmental Defense Scorecard website
assessing the environmental equity data and analysis for accuracy,
qualitative and demographic data analysis, and sensitivity of
materials and information.
provided strategic
planning and facilitation services to the national coalition of institutions,
academics, legal, public interest and grassroots organizations comprising the
international network, the Alliance for Nuclear Accountability (ANA). GERI
designed the membership survey of strengths and needs and meeting agendas to
maximize the network’s organizational goals, evaluate accomplishments and
needs, and identify new directions and areas for improvement. Qualitative
analysis included select interviews with the Board of Directors and key
coalition members. GERI advised the ANA strategic planning process,
facilitated the membership meeting and drafted the strategic planning report.
managed the Ford Foundation’s commission of authors and papers on
organizational and leadership development in the environmental justice field.
GERI managed the commission of papers and interdisciplinary authors on
selected topics relevant to organizational and leadership development
including edits, executing and administering contracts, and honoraria. GERI
prepared the final report on the 2004 initiative.