GERI has won an appointment to the National Association of Housing
and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) College of Experts. Services
will be delivered to NAHRO and Transpire Incoprorated, a NAHRO
member service, including:
- NAHRO faculty assignments
- NAHRO specialty training and
technical assistance
- Transpire training and
technical assistance
GERI. has
developed an innovative training program that is a new integrated
approach to brownfields which bridges sustainable development, public
health, environmental cleanup and reuse goals for underutilized
land with neighborhood revitalization objectives. The curriculum
facilitates setting a development agenda, building real estate
development skills and techniques, creating public-private
partnerships, and promoting stakeholder engagement.
Funded by a brownfields grant from U.S. EPA OSWER and a grant from the
Houston Endowment, the pilot cities are Pittsburgh and Houston. The first
workshop was held May 4-7, 2004 in Pittsburgh. The first
Houston workshop convened May 25-27, 2004. Subsequent workshops convened
in Pittsburgh and Houston July 13-15, 2004 and October 6-8, 2004.
final workshop in the pilot series combines trainees from both cities and
is scheduled February 16-18, 2005 in Houston. The training brings
together an ideal audience in terms of synergies, local community
organizations and CDCs poised to or engaged in redevelopment issues and
projects, governmental agency officials, and key private sector
Representing a key client, the Partnership for Sustainable Brownfields
Redevelopment, GERI President, Deeohn Ferris, was appointed to U.S.
EPA's federal advisory committee on brownfields All Appropriate Inquiry. In
a groundbreaking move, U.S. EPA appointed select multi-stakeholder group
representatives from across the nation to negotiate this important federal
environmental due diligence regulation.

Global Environmental Resources Inc. (GERI)
introduces an innovative training program that builds real estate and economic development
skills in community based organizations tackling reclamation of contaminated urban and
rural brownfields properties. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection
GERI piloted
the training in 2004-2005 in the cities of Pittsburgh, PA and Houston, TX. The program is
a new integrated approach to brownfields that bridges environmental justice, health,
cleanup and reuse goals with neighborhood revitalization objectives. It’s an innovative
teaching initiative designed to help a community preserve its cultural and historical
resources, clean up the environment and, ultimately, lead to reuses of under-utilized
properties that meet community needs.
In view of the nexus between health and environmental impacts and the economic factors
associated with brownfields cleanup projects, community-based constituencies involved in
this program will gain an improved knowledge of these areas. Community organizations are
trained in ways that promote engagement in growth and development decisions, advance
networking opportunities with key public and private sector stakeholders, stimulate tech
transfer, cross pollinate the skills that local sectors bring to neighborhood
revitalization, and enhance community leadership and coordination on local brownfields
redevelopment projects.
This program shows how a curriculum that integrates environmental justice, brownfields
cleanup, land use, and community development can accelerate the learning curve of trainees
as they tackle the triple ends of environmental and health protection, and sustainable
To deliver the curriculum,
GERI works
with local partners and the implications for involved organizations are addressed at each
stage of the training. We deploy interdisciplinary faculty that delivers the tools needed
in managing a brownfields real estate deal including skills and techniques in project
management, real estate financing and grants, economic development, environmental
compliance and risk management, social and equity factors and public health. Faculty
consists of multi-stakeholder practitioners including environmental and health
professionals, attorneys, corporate property owners, lenders, developers, and government
officials in key agencies. Our goal is to enable community leaders with differing levels
of development experience to learn about and successfully plan, finance, and manage their
own brownfields revitalization projects.
Global Environmental Resources Inc. (GERI)
is a WBE/MBE consulting firm established in 1997 by, Deeohn Ferris, the environmental
attorney who introduced and led the successful national, grassroots campaign for the
Presidential Executive Order on Environmental Justice (E.O. 12898), the National
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, and the federal Inter-Agency Environmental Justice
Workgroup. GERI’s team of experts deliver services in the public, private, philanthropic
and community sectors including strategic projects, meetings and conferences at the
national level, in several states around the U.S. and in the international arena.
specializes in programs that address diverse populations including people of color,
low-income communities and the underserved. We build our clients’ expertise in
sustainable development, smart growth, environmental justice and equity. We are deeply
experienced in implementing effective multi-stakeholder processes in communities. Our
goal in this training is education that helps develop leaders in communities who
understand how private redevelopment works and can be used to address health and
environmental concerns and social issues posed by brownfields.

Global Environmental Resources Inc. (GERI)
introduces a training program on U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
environmental review requirements. The
curriculum teaches HUD environmental assessment and review basics in the context of
various HUD programs including Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HUD HOME
The workshop scope covers the duties of nonprofit community developers of affordable
housing and other projects to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) and relevant statutory and regulatory environmental mandates. Trainees will
learn how to identify whether or not environmental issues are integral to their respective
development projects and how to assess them. The focus is statutory and regulatory
This training provides in-depth coverage of environmental
requirements. It prepares individuals in institutions, organizations and government who
have critical responsibilities involving planning, financing and construction of HUD
projects -- public and private sector developers, community development corporations (CDCs),
governmental staff and decision makers, civic organizations, faith based organizations and
community groups.
Most recently,
conducted the training via a workshop organized for state and local government and
nonprofit housing developers in San Antonio, TX by the National Association of Housing
Redevelopment Officials and Transpire, June 2005.
Global Environmental Resources Inc. (GERI)
is a WBE/MBE consulting firm established in 1997 by, Deeohn Ferris, the environmental
attorney who introduced and led the successful national, grassroots campaign for the
Presidential Executive Order on Environmental Justice (E.O. 12898), the National
Environmental Justice Advisory Council, and the federal Inter-Agency Environmental Justice
GERI’s team
of experts deliver services in the public, private, philanthropic and community sectors
including strategic projects, meetings and conferences at the national level, in several
states around the U.S. and in the international arena.
The African American Forum on Race & Regionalism (AAFRR) is a collaborative initiative,
which was established in 2002 by the Ford Foundation to work with African American
constituencies. AAFRR is a project of the Sustainable Metropolitan Communities
Initiative directed by Carl Anthony at the Ford Foundation. Global Environmental
Resources Inc. is the AAFRR Secretariat.
AAFRR Co-chairs Angela Glover Blackwell, PolicyLink, john a. powell, Kirwan Institute for
the Study of Race and Ethnicity and Robert Bullard, Clark-Atlanta University Environmental
Justice Resource Center. In addition to the respective leadership of their own
organizations, they work collaboratively through the Forum to help broaden, strengthen and
promote the involvement of interdisciplinary African Americans and African American
organizations in policy development, decisions and place-based projects.
AAFRR is a means to share experiences and build broad strategic alliances that advance
regional equity. The Forum is working to strengthen and expand African American
constituencies and the discourse on race, regional equity and smart growth. Our
objectives are to:
develop a
national database of interdisciplinary practitioners, experts, leaders,
institutions, faith based organizations, media, government officials, elected
officials, associations and grassroots groups focused on such issues as growth
and development, community and economic development, health, housing, education,
sustainability, environment, taxes, markets, policy and governance; and
and broaden key constituencies, and share information regarding lessons learned
about regional and metropolitan sustainability, regionalism, equity and smart
growth issues and policy tools;
AAFRR engages in collaborative activities with organizations
in regions around the nation. Selected events include:
convening with the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio
State University, in May 2003 and February 2004, involving African American
leaders, scholars and experts from across the nation.
entitled “Race, Space, Poverty and Equity” with a coalition including the
Council of Baptist Pastors, MOSES and the Detroit Chapter of the NAACP in
Detroit, October 2005.

GERI is a woman-owned minority
business enterprise
"Making the Most of Our World"