Policy Conferences, Meetings & Events
GERI subcontract to not-for-profit Sustainable Community Development Group,
Inc. GERI supports the
Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the Poverty Race
and Research Action Council in planning and implementing the New
Orleans Area Health Disparities Initiative (NOHDI).
GERI manages the
multi-stakeholder planning committee and the consensus planning
process, including recruitment, communications, New Orleans planning
meetings, facilitation, and meeting logistics.
directed the NOHDI June 2006 conference
planning including invitations, speakers, participants,
outreach, facilitation, conference materials and proceedings, and
conference logistics.
supports the Sustainable Community Development Group, Inc., which
serves as the Secretariat to the African American Forum on Race &
Regionalism (AAFRR). Through research, conferences, meetings,
workshops and policy development, AAFRR provides a place for
interdisciplinary dialogue among African Americans, communities of
color and other stakeholders on equitable development, smart growth
and metropolitan sustainability. AAFRR (
is a collaborative project of the
Ford Foundation,
PolicyLink, the
Environmental Justice Resource Center at Clark Atlanta University,
the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at Ohio
State University, and the Sustainable Community Development Group,
designed and facilitated the consensus process for Summit 2010 for
the Coalition to End Childhood Lead Poisoning in Baltimore, MD.
Summit 2010, December 5-10, 2005, convened elected officials,
governmental officials, policymakers, leading nonprofit
organizations and legal groups, communities, faith-based
organizations, landlords, developers and technical experts on lead
poisoning and abatement. GERI’s
team delivered a Summit that engaged public and private sector
multi-stakeholders in a consensus building process on recommended
state-wide priorities and action plans in the State of Maryland
including financing, liability, environmental and health issues, and
capacity building to enhance services delivery in circumstances
involving lead contamination
GERI organized, convened and
facilitated brownfields conferences and events including relevant
travel and logistics:
Brownfields 2004
Workshop on Community Development and Environment
Invitational National Conference, June 4-5, 2003, Washington DC
Brownfields 2003 5th annual PSBR Invitational Breakfast
Brownfields 2002 4th annual PSBR Invitational Breakfast
Brownfields 2002 Workshop/Training on Multi-Stakeholder Involvement
Brownfields 2001 3rd annual PSBR Invitational Breakfast
Brownfields 2001 Workshop/Training on Evaluating Brownfields
Brownfields 2000 2nd annual Invitational Breakfast
Brownfields 2000 Workshop/Training on Multi-Stakeholder Process
GERI provided technical
assistance and conference/event planning services for a national
conference that advanced strategic public policy partnerships
between civil rights groups, environmental and environmental justice
organizations and Native American communities.
GERI coordinated logistics,
travel, agenda planning and speakers for the four-day event on
environmental justice strategies. GERI
facilitated organizations invited by the Ford Foundation in
developing an implementation plan that supports coalition legal and
policy initiatives, litigation and advocacy, and prepared the 2003
conference report.
GERI provided technical
assistance and facilitation services to grantees of the Ford
Foundation on a collaborative project to develop and implement a
Mississippi Statewide Environmental Justice Summit. A
multi-stakeholder group comprised of federal and state agencies,
in-state communities, and academia, business, industry, trade and
labor associations guided the grantees’ collaborative project.
coordinated a public-private partnership in a two-year effort
that planned and convened the first statewide conference on
environmental policy, environmental justice and public health. The
multi-stakeholder partnership was comprised of the Mississippi
Departments of Environmental Quality and Health, U.S. EPA Region 4,
the National Library of Medicine, the Agency for Toxic Substances
and Disease Registry, the Mississippi Municipal League, the
Mississippi Manufacturers Association, Jesus People Against
Pollution and Jackson State University.
organized a principal session at the Second National People of Color
Environmental Justice Summit In Washington, DC, October 2002,
focused on legal and public policy strategies featuring a panel of
international legal experts.
provided technical assistance, conference event planning services and
facilitation services for a national conference convened by the Ford
Foundation on organizational development and leadership development for next
generation leaders in the environmental justice field spanning institutions,
universities, government, civil rights, public interest, environmental and
grassroots organizations. GERI coordinated logistics, travel and
transportation, meals, agenda planning and speakers for the two-day event.
GERI managed the commission of papers and authors on selected topics including
edits, administered contracts and honoraria. GERI prepared the final
conference report.